Dell LatitudeTM
Intel® Pentium® 4 Processor- M
Cutting edge graphics
Dell Axim X5 Handheld
Dell Axim X5 handheld's sophisticated design encloses a brilliant
3.5" high-resolution transflective color display, four
application keys, a navigator button, scroll dial, record button,
and headphone mini-jack. But Dell Axim X5 handhelds have much
more than just a pretty face on the outside. Inside is an Intel® XScaleTM
Processor at 400MHz or 300MHz processor, 32MB or 64MB of SDRAM,
and 32MB or 48MB of Flash ROM. |
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Gangs of New
York: An Informal History of the Underworld
by Asbury, Herbert, and Borges, Jorge Luis
(Foreword by)
 Asbury presents an
illumination of the gangs of old New York that ultimately gave rise to
the modern Mafia and its depiction in films like "The Godfather".
Published to coincide with the release of Martin Scorcese's film,
"Gangs of New York",... |
Harry Potter and the
Chamber of Secrets
by Rowling, J. K.

In one of the most
hotly anticipated sequel in memory, J.K. Rowling takes up where she
left off with Harry's second year at the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft
and Wizardry. Old friends and new torments abound, including a spirit
named Moaning Myrtle who haunts the girls' bathroom, an outrageously
conceited professor, Gilderoy Lockheart, and a mysterious force that
turns Hogwarts students to stone.
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